Shrimply Deadly is a small imitation shrimp, designed to mimic the small shrimp that are the food of many fish on our shores.
At 50mm long, it has curves, sections and volumes that create great mobility in the water, enhanced by thin legs and whiskers that add realistic movement and profile.
Because it mimics the shrimp, almost any fish will be attracted to it.
Although its natural habitat is rocks, it can also provide surprises in sandy areas.
Specially designed for both spat and murres, it has proven to be very effective, offering a variety of catches from small to large fish such as bream, sea bass, murres and sargos.
Pack of 7 pieces.
Usage Tips
Use lightweight heads with a short but sturdy hook to fish in shallow water where bass and largemouth bass feed.
Heads weighing 1.5-2g are ideal.
The short hook leaves more body free to develop all its movement.
Small darting heads are also ideal for the Shrimply Deadly.
Very Important
Place an auxiliary hook on the back side, behind the eyes.
This will protect the body from small fish and increase your catch numbers significantly.